In a bid to be as transparent as possible about where I am in creating a sustainable business I’ve created an impact assessment which will be regularly updated.
This assessment reports the steps already taken, those I have planned and identifies gaps in my knowledge, skills and direction.
You can see our separate WIP assessment for Be The Future over on t’other website (I don’t recommend trying to do two at once…)
My impact assessment
Updated 10 July 2023
My ethos & aim
I believe:
🌍 Our planet needs us all to be imperfect environmentalists, not for a minority to be perfect.
🌍 We should uplift and encourage each other, and help to educate and start conversations rather than tear others down.
🌍 We should share our knowledge and skills, not be gatekeepers and driven by ego.
🌍 The climate may be a serious issue, but that does not mean that WE have to be serious and drain all of the joy out of life.
🌍 Learning is key to driving change, and so is listening. Instead of preaching or shouting, let’s listen, adapt and evolve. Together.
My aim is to:
❤️ Help small business owners to create a business that supports the sustainability of the planet AND themselves. Because it is all linked!
❤️ Support others in taking action through play and fun.
❤️ Create a space where people feel they can be themselves, and that they can be celebrated for progress - large or small.
❤️ Unleash the creativity and curiosity in others.
❤️ Create a network of ‘UnlikelyGeniuses’ who are embracing the values of curiosity, connection, creativity, and climate in their business and life.
Well, look what we have here
Not only do I have my coaching diploma and ICF ACC status, early in 2023 I completed my training with The Climate Coaches. I am one of the few (approx. 120) QUALIFIED climate coaches around.
And if that’s not enough…
The journey to sustainability for people, business & planet (so far)…
Sep - I throw myself into self-employment not having a job to go to, but luckily land my first contract in 2 days. I spend the next few months recovering, putting myself back together, and considering what the next steps are for me.
Jan - Fully embracing working for myself, I start to realise I can focus on where I want to make a difference in the world: helping others thrive, the environment, health & wellbeing… and I realise I have a voice now, so I get gobby. (People) (Planet) (Business)
Jun - On holiday in Norway, I see how well-established their infrastructure is for transport, electric vehicles, and generally living more sustainably. I am also in awe of the landscapes, the people and nature in the country. It opens my eyes and reignites something in me that has lain dormant for a while. (Planet)
Oct - Despite believing I could ‘never be a writer’ I start to write Falling Off The Ladder, and find it an incredibly therapeutic process. (People) (Business)
Dec - Being fed up with doom and gloom around the climate, I sign up to #tacklethecrisis in a bid to spread positive eco news. In Dec, Sally spots this business name on that # and is intrigued so emails me with a question along the lines of ‘I have this idea and I think it’d be great to work together - what do you think?’. Always up for taking more on Helen said yes and off they went and set up Be The Future. (Planet) (Business)
May - Completed the Climate Reality Leader training with Al Gore. (Planet)
Oct - I release Falling Off The Ladder: Revamp your mindset & thrive in self-employment to shockingly rave reviews. (People) (Business)
Jan - Both The Last Rung and Hope. Act. Thrive. podcasts are released into the wild. Because just releasing one in a week would be silly, right? (People) (Planet) (Business)
May - FOTL wins the Business Book Awards Highly Commended award in the Wellness & Wellbeing category. (People) (Business)
Sep - I qualify as a coach with Optimus and immediately go into a course to train in Climate Change Coaching. (People) (Planet) (Business)
Oct - Joined Design Declares - a network of design agencies helping to raise awareness of the climate crisis and make steps to change behaviours in the industry. (Planet) (Business)
Jan - I attend the Better Business Summit in Manchester UK and promptly sign up to be a part of the Better Business Network. (Planet) (Business)
Feb - I become one of the ‘Trusted Partners’ with The Ethical Coaching Company, as their Sustainability specialist. (People) (Planet) (Business)
Feb - I completed my Climate Change Coach training with The Climate Change Coaches… and immediately start training (there’s a theme here) in Embodiment & Somatics with The Strozzi Institute. (Planet) (People)
Feb - I also travel to Costa Rica for my 40th Birthday which ignites something HUGE inside me. I am even more inspired and motivated to protect this glorious planet and make a success of Be The Future. I discover the rainforest is my happy place. (Planet)
Mar - On my return & with severe jet lag, I pass my ICF exam to gain ACC coaching status. (People) (Business)
Mar - The fixed-term contract we have been in for years is up and I can switch to Octopus for their renewable energy. (Yay, but also damn - as we’d still been fixed on a very low price when the price hikes happened). (Planet)
Mar - I start writing a book about the use of play in sustainable action. (People) (Planet) (Business)
May - I complete Carbon Literacy training with the Better Business Network and then some training with Jen Gale of Sustainable.ish about setting up my own Carbon Literacy course. (People) (Planet) (Business)
Jun - At Be The Future we launch our book and ‘accidentally’ garner a lot of attention with our 13ft reclaimed plastic mermaid tails. The requests start flooding in for appearances, workshops & more. In a shocking turn of events, I appear on BBC Look North in it! And all shame promptly leaves the building. (People) (Planet) (Business)
Jul - After a testing process with guinea pigs, I release the Sustainability Impact Assessments and an associated self-study course. (People) (Planet) (Business)
Where am I now?
Progress has been made but there is still a long way to go. However, as I’m managing multiple businesses, a health issue and… life… I am not putting pressure on myself to do it all at once.
I’ve put in place a review schedule for every 3 months to assess the progress made and next steps.
This is the current situation as of July 2023:
<updated image to be uploaded…this is a hold image whilst I update & tinker>

Good Health & Wellbeing
If we do not look after ourselves, we cannot look after the planet. If we do not look after a business, it will not look after us. Everything is connected. The first step in action-taking is to put on your own parachute, and to assist others with theirs.
Quality Education
Education is my lifeblood in more ways than one. AIl should be equal in opportunity, and open in curiosity and connection. By providing education for all we can and will make change.
Climate action
Change will not happen without action, and those who have a voice should use it for good. We need to start conversations, provide opportunities and encourage all forward steps taken. Help others to take action that fits into their lives & so reduces overwhelm.
UG & the SDGs…
What’s next for UG?
Part of me always laughs at that question as I change things up mrore frequent than my socks, because I’m always learning new things. But as of today, the plan is…
Initial targets to be implemented:
Create a sustainability impact strategy and schedule of regular review (in progress - you’re reading it)
Incorporate an ESG strategy
Develop ethical growth goals
Develop policies re: processes & goals, suppliers & partners
Develop my pledge and ethos further as I learn; extend to suppliers, etc
To create a plan for more impact through voluntary & pro-bono work (rather than on a whim as I currently do)
Explore offsetting & certification options (directly and/or indirectly through our providers), for example:
Planet Mark
1% for the planet
Think like a Tree
SME climate commitment